(+959) 945 404 777, (+959) 882 640 707 info@baganvision.org

Mr. Soe Thu Htun

Mr. Soe Thu Htun FollowFollowFollow Mr. Soe Thu Htun Admin Officer, Bagan Vision Institute Mr. Soe Thu Htun is an admin officer in Bagan Vision Institute. He is now working as an admin officer in State Administration Council Office, Nay Pyi Taw. His experiences and...

Prof. Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe

Prof. Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe FollowFollowFollow Prof. Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe Executive member, Bagan Vision Institute Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe is an executive member of Bagan Vision Institute (BVI). She is currently working as a Director in Department of Advanced Science and...

Dr. Thinzar Win

Dr. Thinzar Win FollowFollowFollow Dr. Thinzar Win Executive Member, Bagan Vision Institute Dr. Thinzar Win is an executive member of Bagan Vision Institute. She has been working as a university teacher for nearly 14 years consecutively. She is now an Associate...

Dr. Marlar Than

Dr. Marlar Than FollowFollowFollow Dr. Marlar Than Domestic Advisor, Bagan Vision Institute Dr. Marlar Than is a domestic advisor of Bagan Vision Institute (BVI). She has been working as a university teacher for 37 years consecutively. Now, she is serving as a...

Dr. Sunn Lynn

Dr. Sunn Lynn FollowFollowFollow Dr. Sunn Lynn Executive Member, Bagan Vision Institute Dr. Sunn Lynn is an executive member of Bagan Vision Institute (BVI). He has been working as a legal officer for 23 years. Now, he is a Director of International Law and ASEAN...

Dr. Hein Myo Htet

Dr. Hein Myo Htet FollowFollowFollow Dr. Hein Myo Htet Executive Member, Bagan Vision Institute Dr. Hein Myo Htet is an executive member of Bagan Vision Institute (BVI). He has many research experiences concerning medical and its related field, and worked as...