(+959) 945 404 777, (+959) 882 640 707 info@baganvision.org

Organization of Bvi

Organization of Bagan Vision Institute (BVI)

Bagan Vision Institute will be composed with the following advisors, members, admin staff, and research fellows from both Myanmar and international:


U Zeyar Oo (PhD Scholar)

Advisory Board

U Myint Thein (Domestic Advisor)
Dr. Zaw Win (Domestic Advisor)
U Tin Aung Cho (Domestic Advisor)
Dr. Marlar Than (Domestic Advisor)
Mr. Adi Ihram (International Advisor)
Mr. Nadzri Hassan (International Advisor)

Executive Council

Dr. Su Thiri Zaw (Joint Secretary)
Dr. Sun Lynn (EC Member)
Dr. Saw Kay Thwe Moe (EC Member)
Dr. Hein Myo Htet (EC Member)
Dr. Thin Zar Win (EC Member)
Dr. Zin Maw Mg (EC Member)
Ms. Sao Siri Rupa (EC Member)

Administration Team

Mr. Myo Thant Khine (Event Coordinator)
Mr. Saw Ko Ko Lwin (PR Manager)
Mr. Sethu Thein (IT Staff)

Research Division

National Security
Science & Technology

Research Fellows

Ms. Khin Thu Zar Htay (PhD Student)
Mr. Amir Hamza (PhD Student)
Mr. Ashok Poudel (PhD Student)
Mr. B K Lok Bahadur (PhD Student)
Mr. Dipak Devkota (PhD Student)
Ms. Khin Sandi Myint (PhD Student)


Ms. Phyu Thiri Tun


E-304, Mya Kyi Ryar 2nd Street, Htan Ta Pin Special Block, Dekkina Thiri Township, Naypyitaw.


(+959) 945 404 777
(+959) 882 640 707