(+959) 945 404 777, (+959) 882 640 707 info@baganvision.org

Mr. Soe Thu Htun

Mr. Soe Thu Htun
Admin Officer, Bagan Vision Institute

Mr. Soe Thu Htun is an admin officer in Bagan Vision Institute. He is now working as an admin officer in State Administration Council Office, Nay Pyi Taw. His experiences and knowledges in professional career will contribute to the smooth running of BRI.

Academic Background:
  • Bachelor of Arts (Geography), Master of Public Administration (Meikhtila University of Economics), Diploma in Research Study (Meikhtila University of Economics)
Professional Experiences:
  • Officer, State Administration Council Office, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

E-304, Mya Kyi Ryar 2nd Street, Htan Ta Pin Special Block, Dekkina Thiri Township, Naypyitaw.


(+959) 945 404 777
(+959) 882 640 707