(+959) 945 404 777, (+959) 882 640 707 info@baganvision.org

About Us

” Intellectual excellence for national development “

About Us

Research and development (R&D) are playing a vital role in the development of every sector of a nation. Many developed countries in the world are those rich in R&D culture, and those encourage and support private own research institutes so as them to contribute to the development and prosperity of their own nation. Compare to other countries, Myanmar has a smaller number of research institutes which are professionally based on R&D culture. Most of those considered to be politics-oriented institutes that mainly focus on domestic affairs and politics. Unlike other institutes, Bagan Vision Institute (BVI) is an independent research-oriented institute which is organized by the scholars with different backgrounds, profession, and expertise with their research interests on various areas of study including national security, geopolitics, economics, socio-economics, social science, and science &. Technology. BVI with its intellectual excellence will, to some extent, contribute to the national development. While mainly prioritizing national security and national interest of Myanmar, BVI will work together with other regional institutes, thinktanks, and research centers through seminars, conferences, forums, workshops and academic exchange programs. BVI is dedicated to becoming a regionally recognized research institute that ensures the national interest of Myanmar and the interest of its people.


Promoting national interest, security and development of Myanmar, and contributing to regional development, BVI as an independent research institute is strongly committed to becoming the most reliable, efficient and innovative think-thanks within and outside Myanmar in future.


Ensuring its vision, BVI is strongly committed to the promotion of national interest, security and development of Myanmar through the contribution of its intellectual excellence, and to the regional development by achieving its objectives.


BVI is established with the following objectives:

To do scientific research on the respective areas of study that contribute to peace, security, prosperity and development of Myanmar;

To provide the research-based public reports on the issues related to domestic and international affairs to the people of Myanmar, and to the region;

To become a professional research institute that serve for national interest of Myanmar, and wellbeing of its people, and a qualified-think thanks recognized by the international scholars;

To expand network with the like-minded institutes, universities and other think thanks in the region through cooperation and collaboration such as holding academic seminars, conferences, forums, workshops and academic exchange programs;

To assist to, and work with government of Myanmar, and its institutions through providing intellectual assistants such as conducting seminars, conferences, forums, workshops and academic exchange programs whenever the former needs BVI to do so.


E-304, Mya Kyi Ryar 2nd Street, Htan Ta Pin Special Block, Dekkina Thiri Township, Naypyitaw.


(+959) 945 404 777
(+959) 882 640 707